Tuesday, June 15, 2021 / by Teresa Pileggi
Scarlet Is Why We Fight!

Five-year-old Scarlett gets a virtual tour of SickKids labs
Throughout her time at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), five-year-old Scarlett has been curious about blood draws and what happens when her blood is sent to the lab for tests. Scarlett’s parents and care team planned a virtual tour of the Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine as a “gift” to her as she nears the end of her chemotherapy journey and to help foster Scarlett’s interest and curiosity.
Touring the Biochemistry, Haematology, and Microbiology labs, Scarlett says her favourite part of the virtual tour was when the blood was stained from red to purple for analysis. “I got to see how they turn the blood into different colours!”
This Child and Family-Centred Care Week, we recognize our amazing staff for going the extra mile for Scarlett. Answering her questions in this engaging way is just one example of how SickKids staff deliver care that is centred on the needs of patients and their families.
Article from SickKids: https://www.sickkids.ca/en/news/archive/2021/scarlett-gets-a-virtual-tour-of-sickkids-labs/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2ov8sl0zFI&t=3s